Monday, March 11, 2019

Petronas Mesra Mineral Water Bottle Packaging

Petronas Mesra Mineral Water
Packaging is a powerful element influencing why consumer purchase certain product but often it fades into the background as if it were an afterthought. Sometimes we don’t pay any attention at all to a package. We rip it open without giving it much thought. Yet on an unconscious level, there are so many cues and messages being communicated to us, that we aren’t thinking about how the package influenced our purchase decision.

Recently, this mineral water by Petronas went viral because it has a unique design which make it different from other competitor. In my opinion the label design of this mineral water bottle is the reason why i said it is different from others. The bottle was wrapped by a transparent label with the volume of the water was placed nicely. The purpose of Petronas designing the bottle this kind of way is actually to persuade people to drink more water everyday. They also created a challenge which known as #WaterChallenge. for some reasons, it helps in promoting the brand name and increasing the profit of the company. 

All in all, a product's packaging communicates many things, from what the product can do for your customers to your company's values. some would argue that the packaging is as important as the product itself because it's a crucial marketing and communication tool for your business. 

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