Sunday, March 1, 2020

A quote by Leo Burnett

Make it simple. Make it memorable.
Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. - Leo Burnett

A quote by the man himself that build one of the most eminent advertising agency in the industry, which still stand strong among new, strong-will agency company. The quote reminds me how simple advertising or the advertisement can be and still have an impact to the audience and can influence the target consumers.

To make a good advertisement campaign, we should make it as simple as it can. The simpler the message on the ads, the easier for the consumer to make conclusions about the ads. Moreover, to make advertisement memorable in consumer’s mind we can include some humor, jingle, tagline or an iconic character that is familiar.

As advertisers, you should make your messages simple and easy to understand by the customers. This is to avoid lack of interest due to the complexity of the advertisement. It is important for an advertiser to make the ad memorable. The main objective of advertisement in the first place is to ensure that your product is known and recognized by the customers. Other than that, attractive advertisements are more likely to catch more attention than the ones that are not. Lastly, An advertisement should also be made fun to read by the customers. It is important to keep your copy writing simple and short to make it fun and easy to read.